Saturday, May 24, 2008

Choose Organic Produce

Organic produce is mandated to be grown without the use of conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers, or sewage sludge. It's hard to believe that is NOT a requirement for ALL produce. Because of pesticide residue in the soil, it is virtually impossible to grow produce "residue free" and even organically grown foods do not claim to be completely free of chemical residues. So you are thinking of buying organic, but you want to save money, you've come to the right place.
Know your produce! The Environmental Work Group, EWG, tested 45 types of conventionally grown produce and came up with a list ranking from the most polluted to least polluted with pesticide. This list is helpful in determining which produce to buy organic, with a reduced levels of pesticide, and which produce are relatively safe to buy conventionally grown if you are trying to save money.
Often referred to as the “Dirty Dozen” are the 12 fruits or vegetables with the highest concentrations of pesticides. They are as follows:

Sweet Bell Peppers
Grapes - Imported
The least polluted produce is as follows:
Sweet Peas-Frozen
Sweet Corn-Frozen
For a detailed list of all tested produce and the level of pesticide found visit the EWG link below.

Choose Healthy Foods for the Family

it seems like every day results of new studies show that what we eat directly contributes to different health conditions and risks. Taking control of health and wellness begins at home, and it begins with choosing healthy foods for the whole family. Incorporating healthy eating and healthy living in the household can and will become habitual once you take the necessary steps to make those changes.
Identify any and all health-related risks the family may already be eating toward. In other words, is there is family history of obesity, heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes it places a family at risk for future medical conditions. Once the family health history is assessed, the family can choose better dietary choices.
Learn to read food labels. Ideally, food products that are low in cholesterol, low to no fats, low sugar and low salt are quality products.
Incorporate simplistic foods. Simplistic foods are foods in the natural fresh form. Fresh fruits and fresh vegetables are a great way to choose healthy foods. They do not need to be cooked and can be prepared and eaten in their natural healthy raw form. Serve raw vegetable salads with main meals and a plate of cut up fruits for dessert. This is a great way to get the daily required nutrients.
Choose leaner cuts of meat and white meat poultry. These food items are less fatty and better choices in protein. Try to make your favorite ground-beef meal with ground turkey, chicken or veal. Not only will it be healthier, but it will give a variation of flavor and bring flare to the dinner table.
Add non-animal proteins to the diet. Non-animal proteins consist of beans, soy products and nuts. These proteins are low in fat and therefore much better for the body’s health.
Consume more whole grain products. This can be done by changing from white bread to whole grain bread, eating more whole grain cereals and serving brown rice as a side dish with dinners.
Create healthy bones by including dairy in the diet. For older children and adults, low-fat or skim milk is better for the body. Eat real cheeses, not processed cheeses that tend to be higher in fat content. This may mean going to the deli counter to buy sliced cheese as opposed to the dairy section and picking up a package of processed individually sliced and wrapped cheeses. Yogurt is a great source of dairy and can be eaten for breakfast, lunch and snacks.
Shop and buy more organic foods. Organic foods have no preservatives and are healthier for the body.
Prepare foods in healthy ways. It is not necessary to deep fry or fry foods. Try baking, broiling or grilling your favorite foods, and play around with new spices. This can be a fun way to create and make up new recipes. Sauté meats and vegetables in a non-stick spray instead of butter or cooking oil. Also, trade in the vegetable oil for extra virgin olive oil which is healthier. Cut down on using salt.
Moderate and discipline the sweet tooth. Everyone has a sweet tooth from time to time, but we do not need to feed it with unhealthy sweets. Choose fresh fruits, granola, trail mix, sorbet or even gelato which is Italian ice cream that is way healthier due to the wholesome and natural ingredients it is prepared with. Moderate the amounts of sweets by not allowing yourself to eat a large quantity of that sweet in one sitting. A person does not need to eat the whole chocolate bar to get the sweet fix they need. They can instead eat 2 squares and save the rest for another day.
Serve proper portions. It is not necessary to pile the plate high with food. It is proven that the more food that is placed on a plate will contribute to teaching the body to overeat. Try to use smaller plates and properly portion the meals that are served. This will retrain the stomach and body to eat the proper amount of foods at each sitting.
Add supplemental vitamins to the daily dietary routine. Not everything that is eaten during the day will give the body the required vitamins and minerals to sustain a healthy body. Check with your doctor to see which vitamins and minerals are essentially good to add to the daily intake in supplemental form.

change you eating habits when trying to lose weight

How many times have you got on that treadmill for hours, or lifted weights until fatigue, just to step on the scale to see the same old number? If you're like me many times. Well I got news for you. I have learn by combining these things with eating the right foods , you will see results in no time.

Things You’ll Need:

  • positive attitude
  • determination
  • will power
Be realistic. It is more effective to use 80 percent constraint with your food plan 100 percent of the time than be perfect for only 20 percent.
Be aware of your high risk foods, and don't buy them
Make sure each meal including snacks contain protein. It stimulates the metabolism and makes you feel full
If you have a craving , only try to eat a teaspoon, your body doesn't need it to be a meal.
Drink plenty of water. It improves bio function and stave off hunger
Opt out for complex carbs over simple ones. Have whole grains cereals or breads. Pick brown rice or wild rice. Have a piece of fruit instead of juice. If you do have simple carbs eat them in moderation.
Make better bad choices, put together these changes create huge results over time

Buy Non-GMO Snacks

Non-GMO foods are foods that were never genetically modified. These foods are normally all organic foods that were grown without pesticides and without chemically altered soil. Most of the larger food producers have moved their productions to chemically modified produce in order to save money. Buy non-GMO snacks by avoiding some of the name brands.
Shop online. There are many stores that are strictly vegan or vegetarian where you can buy non-GMO snacks. They are labeled properly, and most of the sites will give you information regarding their organic status.
Go to a farmer's market. Buy non-GMO fruits and veggies for snacks at a local farmer's market. These farmers bring their produce to these markets to sell, because they can't compete with the large farms which use mass production techniques.
Buy non-GMO snacks at grocery stores that carry organic produce and meats. These stores will carry many pre-packaged snacks that are made from organic ingredients that were not genetically modified.
Make healthy snacks at home. Buy and dry organic, non-GMO fruits and make trail mix at home with organic nuts. You can also make cookies and pastries at home with organic, raw sugars and natural sweeteners that were not genetically modified.
Read the labels at your local grocery store while shopping. Many of the health food producers will label their foods as being made from Non-GMO ingredients. These will help you buy non-GMO snacks when you can't make it to a health food store

Begin Your Diet

Begin Your Diet

By krazigirl79

XRay of Junk Food XRay of Junk Food

Rate: (9 Ratings)

How many times have you said to yourself "I'll start tomorrow" or "this is the last one" or "just one more." I have done this more times than I can count! Americans are focused on finding the right diet instead of focusing on changing the way we do things. Here are a few quick tips to help you get started, stay motivated and keep on track... for life.

Things You’ll Need:

Don't set yourself up. Analyze the ways in which you manage your time and your life. Get active, and don't forget some down time for yourself.
Never starve yourself. Don't skip breakfast. eat something small if you usually eat at this time. Try eating smaller more frequent meals.
Enjoy eating( eliminate distractions, eat at table instead of in front of the tv
Strip Trigger foods of their power( if you know it's not good for you don't buy it for the house. Out of sight is out of mind
Promise yourself regular tune ups, focus on yourself, do whatever makes you feel good, make sure it isn't food though. (get your nails done, go dancing)
Don't eat around cravings. If you find it unbearable go ahead, but indulge sensibly and set limits
When you feel like your about chow down on that chocolate cake use the five D's rule. 1.Determine what's going on. 2. Delay your response.3.Distract yourself for 10 mins. 4. Distance yourself from temptation. 5. Decide how you'll handle the situation.
Stop and take stock, after a binge we tend to feel guilty , write down how you feel and what you think lead you to binge. This way when the urge hits again you can see how you felt the last time you gave.

Be Vegan on a Budget

As a vegan it can be difficult to find affordable food that fits your dietary needs. Many specialty grocery stores and health markets offer the food you want but at expensive prices. If you're a vegan on a budget, use the information below to save money on your food expenses.
Buy in bulk. You can purchase staples such as brown rice, grains, beans, nuts, dried fruit and granola in bulk quantities at many grocery stores. Because you're not paying for any fancy packaging, bulk foods are usually much cheaper.
Purchase frozen vegetables. Although many people prefer to buy fresh produce, it usually don't last very long. However, you can pull a bag of frozen vegetables out of the freezer, use only what you need and save the unused portion for another time.
Add beans to your diet. Beans are an excellent source of protein and they're usually very cheap. Purchase canned beans at the grocery store and rinse them under running water to reduce some of the sodium content. Or, buy dry beans in bulk and cook a big batch on the weekend to use during the week.
Find out if your community has a farmer's market during the summer months, where many vendors offer fresh produce at low prices every week. Some communities also have co-ops or local farmers who offer vegan friendly foods at budget friendly prices.

Be Grossed Out By Lunch Meat Salami

Mike Adams from took some high magnification photos of lunch meat and sausages. The things that showed up are unidentifiable.

Things You’ll Need:

  • your favorite lunchmeat
up close black matter Take a look at these high magnification photos of lunch meat and you probably won't want to eat it for lunch tomorrow.
even more up close The black speck in the salami is a mystery, there aren't any ingredients in the salami that would account for the little black piece
This is a closer view of the black speck, yuck
really gross This is an up close look at a Jimmy Dean sausage and a globule of fat or grisle
Alternative lunch meal ideas include salads, soups, tuna fish, and non processed chicken or turkey, or vegetarian options.

Avoid Weekend Binging

It’s the weekend and let’s face it, you’ve worked hard all week. Now it’s time to kick back for some serious R and R. But sometimes a little R and R can extend to your diet. It all starts Friday, some cocktails with friends with a side of greasy appetizers. Saturday, you stop off at your local fast food restaurant for lunch. Later, you go out for a big dinner. Sunday rolls around fast. It’s seems to be a perfect day to lounge around catching up on all your old T.V. shows. Unfortunately, this entire mindless weekend binge has ruined you week of healthy eating. Feeling the guilt your routine begins again, only to end again on Friday. If this sounds like you, don’t worry you are not alone. With a little preparation you can eat healthy and enjoy the weekend with friends and family without the guilt.
Never skip breakfast.

Remember your body has been fasting all night. It’s time to wake it up with a healthy breakfast. Make sure you eat plenty of protein and fiber.
Plan Ahead

If you are planning to go out for the day bring nutritious snacks with you such as crackers, fruits, and veggies. It prevents you from spending extra money and keeps you health conscious
Don’t deprive yourself during the week

Treat yourself to a small piece of chocolate during the week. Depriving your body completely will cost you in the long run through binging.
Eat less at restaurants.

Many restaurants are starting to offer smaller portion sizes at a lower cost. However, if you order a large meal, take half of it home. Still tempted? Ask your host/hostess to divide your meal before it comes to the table.

Go for a walk to burn those extra calories. Not only will you feel better, but it will distract you from your cravings
Drink plenty of water

Sometimes we can misinterpret our body's signals for thirst for hunger. It’s very important that you stay hydrated. This too will help curve your cravings.
Eat a healthy meal before going out.

Temptation is everywhere. Eat a healthy lunch before going out. If you go when you’re hungry, you’re much more likely too given in to unhealthy foods.

Avoid Overeating and Gaining Weight

The concept behind losing weight is the simplest concept to grasp; eat less and exercise more. Still while it's understood that this is the way to lose weight, it's still one of the hardest things some people have to deal with. It's harder than quitting smoking (because you can't just quit eating cold turkey!) or alcohol or even in some cases, drugs. If you find your stomach bulging at the end of meals, you've been over-eating. Here are some tips to cutting those wasted calories.
Drink water. Drink your water. Always sit down to eat with a glass of water and make sure that you finish it during your meal. Alternating sips of water between bites will slow your eating, help digestion and make you feel fuller, sooner. Feelings of hunger are directly related to dehydration so make sure that you are getting plenty of water during the day.
Fill up on fiber. Enjoy a starter. A hot low-fat soup like Minestrone or other vegetable broth soup, or a salad with low fat dressing will give you filling fiber and some servings of vegetables. Pass on the buttered rolls or bread and high calorie topping on your salad (meat, blue cheese, croûtons, etc..).
Watch portions. It's annoying to have to measure everything but you might want to take a look at any packaged foods you eat (cereal, salad dressing, cookies, soup) and see what a real portion is. Measuring it once will give you an idea of what it should look like. Stick to the recommended portion size.
Watch portions, part II. Take half of your normal serving. If you are used to heaping spaghetti on your plate, put half of what you normally eat. If you normally eat a whole sub sandwich, eat half. If you have four slices of meatloaf, eat two. You will eat whatever is on your plate and if you are still hungry, you can always eat a little more.
Eat Slowly. It takes 30 minutes for the stomach to feel full, which means if you eat until you are full, you are actually grossly over full and should feel terrible in about 30 minutes. Chew each bite and really enjoy your food. Drink water between bites. Stretch out courses when possible. Allow your stomach to catch up with what you've just put in it. When you feel full, STOP EATING. You can always save leftovers.
Relax. Play relaxing music during meals. Classic music, jazz or other relaxing music will help you eat slower and digest more easily. Light some candles and make the atmosphere nice so you won't be tempted to rush through dinner.
Divide and Conquer. When having snacks like chips, cookies or crackers, put the recommended serving in a sandwich bag so you aren't tempted to mindless eat your way through the bag or box. If you like to eat in front of the television, this is a MUST! When going out to eat, ask for half of your dinner to go when you order. Chances are you will be full before you get to the second half. Divide leftovers into smaller containers, so you are only reheating one serving at a time.
Grazing is ok. If you are eating healthy, it's fine to have several snacks or small meals during the day. Keeping hunger at bay prevents the desire to binge because we are starving. If you get hungry, have a low-fat yogurt, some fruit or something with some fiber and protein, like cheese and a few crackers.
Eat like a child. If you can't live without fast food, try ordering the child's meal. It has less than half the calories of an adult combo and still has the things you crave in them. At restaurants, some servers will let you order off the senior or child's menu as well. Small portions!
Avoid temptation. Avoid restaurants where you know you are likely to overeat like buffets or your favorite fried food place. Eating before parties and events will allow you to nibble on some desired treats but because you aren't hungry, you won't be tempted to eat your way through the party. Always eat before you go grocery shopping!
Treat Yourself. You never want to feel deprived, because you can eat anything you want in moderation. If you find yourself craving ice cream, go ahead and treat yourself to a child's cone or a frozen yogurt sundae (small). Have a few pieces of chocolate here and there, just don't eat the whole box.
Happy Hour. Avoid sugary drinks when you go out and stick to drinks with less calories. Margaritas, pina coladas, and drinks with lots of fruit juice are all hazards to calories. Try gin and tonic, rum and diet, mojitos, or vodka tonics. If you can't do that, cut your drinking in half. Normally have three drinks? Have one and split one with someone else.

How to Avoid Getting Bloated on a Long Flight

These days, it's fairly simple to hop on a plane and wake up the next morning in another country or even on another continent. Unfortunately, you could also wake up lethargic and bloated, with swollen ankles and shoes that don't fit. With a few alterations to your in-flight routine, you can wake up in your destination well rested, well hydrated and ready to hit the ground running.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Drinking plenty of water is the most important thing you can do to eliminate in-flight bloat. Be sure to bring water on board with you, as it may be over an hour before the flight attendants get to food and beverage service. Try to drink 8 oz every hour or two.
Just say no to booze. While in-flight alcohol is tempting, it's also dehydrating, as are caffeinated beverages. Stick to water and fruit juices.
Pass on peanuts, pretzels and other salty snacks, which will only add to bloat and counteract all the water you've been drinking.
Snack on healthy foods. Avoid heavy meals, particularly those heavy in fat or fiber, which take a long time to digest.
Get up and move. Stand up and stretch or walk around the cabin every hour or two to get the blood flowing and relieve any tension. You might want to request an aisle seat so you don't disturb your neighbors, especially if you're consuming large quantities of water.
Try and get some rest. Pack a neck pillow, a blanket, noise-canceling headphones or whatever helps you sleep to ensure you arrive at your destination refreshed.