Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How to Make A Hops Pillow


If you have trouble getting a good nights rest there are well-researched herbs that are known to aid in sleep. A natural alternative which is not habit-forming or causes side effects is a better approach for your health. Here is my recipe that combines three of the most-researched sleep herbs.

Hops Humulus lupulus, (Cannabaceae [marijuana] family), has profound sedative effects - even sniffing the herb helps you doze off. Found in the wild the female flowers are most commonly used in brewing beer. Hops have been used by herbalists for thousands of years to encourage sleep. The aging process of hops (up to two years) is what allows the chemical compounds, humulone and lupulone to create a substance that is chemically similar to chlordiazepoxide (Librium) and diazepam (Valium).

Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) this is an old-time sleep remedy also used for centuries for relaxation and to calm the nerves. Most commonly used as a tea in the evening to promote a restful sleep.

Lavender (Lavandula, various species) there have been accounts of British hospitals using lavender essential oil to help patients sleep. Aromatherapists like to use the oil for stress, muscle ache, skin conditions and as a sleep aid.


Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Things You'll Need

  • Muslin bag or pouch
  • 2 parts dried hops
  • 1 part dried chamomile
  • 1 part dried lavender



Step One

Use a muslin bag which allows the herbs to breathe through the fabric. Be sure you are not using a synthetic fabric for your pouch.

Step Two

Gently scoop up the herbs with a small wooden spoon and place in your bag. Tie the bag tightly to contain the herbs securely.

Step Three

Then simply place under your regular pillow at night. Sweet dreams and jelly beans (organic ones of course).

How to Make a Herbal Infusion From Seeds and Flowers


Fresh seeds and herbs can form potent natural healing teas and infusions. The difference between a tea and an infusion is the strength and method of preparation. An infusion is generally used 2 to 3 times a day.


Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Things You'll Need

  • 1 quart glass Mason jar
  • Mortar and pestle
  • Clay pot
  • Seeds or flowers of the herbs



Step One

Select the herbs that will work the best for your problem. Consulting folk medicine books, websites and natural remedy books is a great place to find which herbs apply to the problem you are having.

Step Two

Place 1 tspn. of the seeds and/or flowers to be used in a mortar and crush with the pestle until they have been pulverized. Add a small amount of warm water to remove the flowers or seeds from the mortar and place them in a 1-quart Mason jar.

Step Three

Boil spring water in a clay pot and pour into the Mason jar. Seal the lid tightly and allow to infuse for at least a few hours. For infusions made from seeds do not infuse for more than 4 hours or the infusion may turn bitter.

How to Make a Herbal Infusion From Roots and Barks


Folk medicine has long used herbs found in the countryside or grown in the garden to treat various maladies. Herbalists use herbs, leaves, stems, bark and roots to treat various conditions.


Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Things You'll Need

  • 1-quart glass jar
  • Mortar and pestle



Step One

Sterilize a 1-quart glass Mason jar with lid. Wash the jar and then rinse it in boiling water and allow to air dry until cool. Keeping the jar sterile until use will prevent any unwanted contaminants from finding their way into the herbal infusion.

Step Two

Take the bark or root of the herb that will form the infusion and place it in a mortar. Grind it into a powder with the pestle. The larger the surface area of the herb, the greater the transfer of important compounds will be into the water.

Step Three

Pour the powdered herb, then pour boiling water into the Mason jar to the rim. Firmly seal the lid on the jar. The temperature and pressure that will build inside the jar will pull the compounds out of the root or bark powder.

Step Four

Allow the jar to cool and drink one cup of the mixture 2 to 3 times a day. Do not keep the infusion overnight. It is best to make the infusion fresh daily to maintain the potency of the remedy.

How to Make a Headache Relief Pot


Headache relief pots are small containers with a natural formula in them that relieves headaches. The headache relief ointment in these pots is a topical ointment that begins to relieve headaches on contact. They are convenient and easily carried in a pocket or purse. Headache relief pots are inexpensive and easy to make.


Difficulty: Easy

Things You'll Need

  • 2 oz. beeswax
  • 3 oz. shea butter
  • Double boiler pot
  • Large mixing spoon
  • 4 oz. olive oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Mini flowerpots or lip balm containers



Step One

Melt the shea butter and beeswax in a double boiler over high heat on the stove. Stir occasionally until the mix is melted completely. If you don't have any shea butter, use 1 oz. beeswax and 2 oz. of massage oil or olive oil instead.

Step Two

Add the olive oil to the wax mix. Completely combine the oil into the wax mixture. Extra virgin olive oil works the best with this formula, but other varieties of olive oil will also work.

Step Three

Stir in 10 to 15 drops of the lavender essential oil. Blend the lavender into the mix. Remove the mix from the heat.

Step Four

Pour the mix into the small pots or lip balm containers. This wax recipe makes 9 oz. headache relief ointment.

Step Five

Massage the ointment on the temples once the mix congeals. For fast relief from headache pain, take long, deep breaths while messaging the temples of your forehead.

Tips & Warnings

  • The balm in the headache relief pots remains effective for up to 2 years if stored in a cool, dry area.

How to Harvest and Store Valerian Roots


Valerian is an herbal remedy used as a mild sedative for treatment of sleep disorders, restlessness and anxiety. You can grow Valerian in your garden and enjoy the sweet smell of the blossoms until it is time to harvest the roots. Here is how to gather, clean, dry and store Valerian root for medicinal use.


Difficulty: Moderately Challenging

Things You'll Need



Step One

Cut off the Valerian stalks at ground level with a scythe when ready to harvest. The best time is between August and September, preferably in the second year of growth.

Step Two

Dig up the Valerian roots, also called rhizomes, with a spading fork. Place the harvested roots in the shade while you work.

Step Three

Shake the roots to remove excess soil.

Step Four

Wash the roots with a pressure hose or rotary root washer to remove all soil and stones that may be lodged in the crown. Use cool water--heat can damage the cells that contain the plant's essential oil.

Step Five

Chop the roots into equal small pieces to ensure uniform drying.

Step Six

Preserve the essential oils in the roots by drying them at room temperature in a shady spot in your home or barn for 10 days. Shade drying, low temperature vacuum drying and freeze drying are also good methods. Take care not to allow the temperature while drying to exceed 50 degrees Celsius, as it can cause a significant decrease in essential oil content.

Step Seven

Store the Valerian root in tightly sealed containers where they will be protected from heat, light, air and moisture. You can use plastic bags, light-proof sacks, glass canisters or drums.

How to Heal an Upset Stomach


We have all experienced the pain of an upset stomach at one time or another. In this article you will learn how to make your own drink to help heal an upset stomach quickly.


Difficulty: Easy

Things You'll Need

  • Goldenseal
  • Chamomile
  • Mullein
  • Skullcap
  • Lobelia
  • Mint
  • Powdered peppermint
  • Pennyroyal
  • Water



Step One

Mix together 1 teaspoon of goldenseal, 1 heaping teaspoon of chamomile, 1 teaspoon of mullein, 1 teaspoon of skullcap, 2 teaspoons of lobelia, 1 tablespoon of mint, 1/4 teaspoon of powdered peppermint, and finally 1 tablespoon of pennyroyal.

Step Two

Boil a cup of water and add 1 teaspoon of the herbal mixture to it. Allow the ingredients to steep for 10 minutes.

Step Three

Strain the water and herb mixture that has been steeping and sweeten it for taste.

Tips & Warnings

  • Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed in this article.
  • Immediately stop use if you find that you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed in this article.

How to Make a Detox Vegetable Broth


You can clear away the ill effects of over-indulgence by using this nourishing, natural detoxifying broth. It is filled with vitalizing ingredients such as pumpkin, carrots and spinach.


Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Things You'll Need

  • Non-reactive cooking pot.
  • Colander
  • Cheese cloth or thin linen
  • 1 3/4 quarts of pure water
  • 1 tsp. of Celtic sea salt
  • 5 slices of sliced ginger root
  • 2 finely chopped carrots
  • 3 finely chopped celery stalks
  • 1 cup of finely chopped cabbage
  • 1 cup of finely chopped spinach
  • 1 cup of finely diced pumpkin
  • 1 finely chopped squash
  • 5 finely sliced Shiitake mushrooms, fresh or dried
  • 1 cup of chopped parsley



Step One

Place the water and all the other ingredients into the cooking pot.

Step Two

Bring the mixture to a full rolling boil, then reduce the heat to simmer. Cover partially and let cook until the liquid is reduced to about half the original amount you started with.

Step Three

Prepare the colander by lining it with a piece of cheesecloth or thin linen.

Step Four

Strain the hot mixture of broth into a bowl.

Step Five

Discard the vegetable pulp and drink the broth with meals or as a snack.

Tips & Warnings

  • Check with your doctor before beginning any detox program.

How to Make a Dandruff Removal Rinse


This has been a problem that seems to still stump everyone. You may have tried all types of shampoos, creams and pills, to no avail. This is an herbal method that has worked for a lot of my friends


Difficulty: Easy

Things You'll Need

  • Camphor, Lavender, Bay, Sage, Rosemary, Rubbing Alcohol, Water



Step One

Combine 2 tbsp of each herb to 2 quarts of water

Step Two

Add 2 capfuls of rubbing alcohol

Step Three

Steep in water for 2 hours

Step Four

Bottle the mixture and use each time you shampoo

How to Make A Cold Oil Infusion


Herbs can contain oils that can be used medicinally but these oils can be lost or destroyed if made with a hot oil infusion. To protect the healing oils in these herbs, use need to do this by making a cold oil infusion with them.


Difficulty: Easy

Things You'll Need

  • 9 oz Dried Herb OR 1 1/4 lb Fresh Herb
  • 2 c Vegetable Oil



Step One

Put herbs in a large jar and pack them tightly. Cover with your oil. Seal tightly and put in a sunny location for 2-6 weeks depending on desired strength.

Step Two

Pour slowly through a jelly bag or cheesecloth into a clean jar. Be sure you allow oil to filter completely through bag or cloth. Squeeze oil from bag, extracting as much as you can.

Step Three

Pour oil into small dark, clean bottles and seal tightly. Store in a cool, dry location.

How to Make a Chamomile Compress for Sunburn


Chamomile has been used in herbal remedies for thousands of years. During the middle ages it was even used as part of a love potion. Today chamomile is used in many forms to treat various ailments including insomnia, menstrual cramps, arthritis and skin inflammations. Its ability to sooth skin inflammation is why a chamomile compress is so soothing for sunburn and it's quite easy to make.


Difficulty: Easy

Things You'll Need

  • Bowl of ice water
  • Wash cloth
  • Chamomile essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Sprig of rosemary



Step One

Fill a small sized bowl with ice water.

Step Two

Add 3 drops of chamomile essential oil to the bowl of ice water. Enjoy the soothing aromas while making your chamomile compress for sunburn.

Step Three

Put in 2 drops of lavender essential oil to the bowl of ice water. The lavender works with chamomile to sooth the skin and has a terrific, calming scent.

Step Four

Drop a sprig of rosemary into the bowl. Rosemary helps to produce a cooling affect.

Step Five

Dip a washcloth into your mixture and squeeze out the excess water.

Step Six

Place the chamomile compress on your sunburn as often as needed.

Tips & Warnings

  • Smoothing aloe to the affected area after you have applied the chamomile compress to your sunburn will help to reduce swelling as well as prevent peeling.
  • Some people can have an allergic reaction to chamomile including potentially life threatening anaphylaxis.
  • Although chamomile has been used in herbal remedies for many years there is not enough reliable medical research to support claims that this herb is effective for any medical condition.

How to Make a Burn Treatment


Ever burn yourself on the kitchen stove and reach for immediate relief only to find none? This easy recipe can be made at home and kept close at hand in case of an emergency. You will be happy to have it, believe me!


Difficulty: Moderate

Things You'll Need

  • Aloe vera gel
  • Dark glass bottle & lid
  • Kettle for boiling water
  • Large mixing bowl
  • Strainers, sieves
  • Funnel
  • Whisk



Step One

I had seared the palm of my hand once by picking up a large pot that was on a hot burner. I threw the pot out the window, put my hand in a glass of cold water and went about the garden picking herbs. I made myself a very effective concoction which I will describe to you. It is much better to have this on hand, on the ready for when the next burn comes.

Find the fresh healing herbs that are right in your own back yard. This is where any home-made healing product begins. Here are some ideas for burn treatment herbs: horsetail fern, mint of any kind, flowers of chamomile, calendula or violet, leaves of plantain or nettles, root of comfrey, dandelion or burdock. If you don't have any fresh herbs or wildflowers available, use loose peppermint tea.

Step Two

Fill your kettle with purified water and put it on to boil. Rip leaves and flowers by hand. Grind your root in an herb-only coffee grinder or with a mortar and pestle. The more surface of the plant product exposed to the water, the more effective the infusion will be. Fill the quart jar to 8oz with herb and wait for the water to boil.

Step Three

Make sure your water is as pure as possible, distilled or filtered or both. Lead, copper, mercury, chlorine, flouride (all commonly found in US tap water) will affect the quality of any product you make at home. Fill the quart jar up with boiling water. Seal your lid.

Step Four

Let the herbs steep. You are making an infusion. If you need to get immediate relief, let the tea steep for 20 minutes before straining. If you are not in a hurry, you can leave it for 24 hours.

Step Five

Strain the infusion. Pour it back into your quart jar and top off with purified water. You now have 32-oz herbal infusion.

Step Six

Pour into a large bowl. Add 32-oz aloe vera gel, organic if possible. Mix with a whisk.

Step Seven

If you burned your hand or foot, you can put your burn directly into your mixing bowl and let it soak until you have some relief. You can soak a clean, white, cotton rag or bandage in the mixture, squeeze out excess moisture and wrap it around your burns for comfort. This is good for sleeping. You can cover the wet bandage with a plastic bag to avoid seepage onto your clothes or bedding.

How to make coconut oil


Making coconut oil is very easy.
When you live in the rural area with coconut farm it is good to know how to make a coconut oil because you can use it for cooking or massaging or light for your lamp.
Or you can use coconut oil to massage your scalp to shine your hair.


Difficulty: Easy

Things You'll Need

  • grated coconut
  • water
  • pot or frying pan



Step One

Grate coconut and put water in it.

Step Two

Squeezed grated coconut with water to make a coconut milk.

Step Three

Heat the coconut milk until all water is dried up and only coconut oil left in the pot.

How to Lose Weight With Hoodia Gordonii


Hoodia Gordonii is a plant that grows naturally in South Africa and Namibia. For thousands of years, bushmen in Southern Africa have been chewing on the plant during long hunting trips. It allows them to go days without eating but keeps them energetic and strong. Research on the appetite suppressant started in the 1960's. It wasn't until the 1990's that scientists figured out the main ingredient.


Difficulty: Easy



Step One

Pick a Hoodia Gordonii supplement that is made with 100 percent Hoodia. Some companies add in other ingredients or don't use pure Hoodia.

Step Two

Take 1 to 2 capsules every day. Drink them down with a full glass of water. Space them out by taking one in the morning and the other one hour before dinner. Monitor your appetite for a week.

Step Three

Experiment with the dosage to get the right appetite suppressant affects for your body. You may need to double the dosage and take 2 to 4 capsules a day.

Step Four

Allow up to 14 days to see the full effect of Hoodia. You may notice you're not as hungry within only a few days. Other people won't notice the difference for up to two weeks.

Step Five

Eat healthy meals. Hoodia will curb your hunger and decrease your desire to snack in between meals. As you eat less, it's also important to eat the right foods.

Step Six

Exercise to lose even more weight. Moving your body more will help you achieve your weight loss goals faster.

Tips & Warnings

  • Make sure there's a 100 percent money back guarantee. There's so much weak Hoodia on the market, you want to know that the company is backing their product.
  • Check with your doctor before using Hoodia is you have high blood pressure.
  • Don't use Hoodia Gordonii if you're pregnant or nursing.

How to look younger using the non-hormonal anti-aging supplements


Anti-aging addresses how to prevent, slow, or reverse the effects of aging and help people live longer, healthier, happier lives using proper nutrition, physical fitness, skin care, hormone replacements, vitamins, supplements, and herbs.

I will discuss only the supplement part of anti aging in this article.

The following supplements can be considered for a scientifically-based anti-ageing therapy.


Difficulty: Moderately Easy



Step One

Although carnosine has been known for about a century, its antiaging properties have only been extensively studied during the past few years. It may turn out to be the greatest anti-ager of all. High concentrations of carnosine are present in long-lived cells such as in nerve tissues. The concentration of carnosine in muscles correlates with maximum lifespan, a fact that makes it a promising bio-marker of aging. Unlike most antioxidants, which work by prevention, carnosine protects AFTER free radicals have been released. One of the cardinal anti-ageing affects in the body is glycosylation, which leads to decay of protein function. Carnosine blocks this process. It also blocks amyloid production, the substance found in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. Other properties emerging are its apparent anti-cancer effects, toxic metal binder and immune booster.

DOSE: 500 mgms. daily. Best with vitamin E, 200- 400 IU daily.

Step Two

TMG protects the youthful methylation process in our metabolism. Published research shows that TMG can lower dangerous plasma homocysteine levels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. It helps the integrity of nerve fibres and so may improve Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. It protects against liver damage from alcohol and other dangers. Finally, it protects DNA and so may slow cell ageing.

DOSE: 500 - 2,000 mgms. daily. It works better with co-factors B6, B12 and folic acid.

Step Three

Extract of the tree Gingko biloba have been used by the Chinese for 2800 years. It is now well recognized and an important brain food and anti-oxidant and improves mental function in people of all ages. It quenches free radicals and improves neurotransmission, thus protecting circulation and enhancing memory. Protects against Parkinsonism, Alzheimer's and other dementias.

DOSE: 50- 100 mgms active ingredient. Look for products with less than 2 ppm of the toxic gingkolic acid (European limits set at 5 ppm maximum).

Step Four

4. S-ADENOSYL METHIONINE (SAMe, pronounced Sammy)
A derivative of important methionine, SAMe is widely distributed in the tissues of young healthy adults. But with ageing and sickness, it is depleted, leading to further deterioration. SAMe is needed for the body to metabolize efficiently, for neuronal regeneration and the synthesis of energy through ATP, the basic energy molecule. It may help prevent or reverse liver damage (alcohol, viruses and chemical pollution). It can help with ME and other fatigue states.

Additionally, SAMe may be the safest, fastest acting anti-depressant available today.

DOSE: 200- 800 mgms daily. Best taken on an empty stomach, with water.

Step Five

5. N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)
L-cysteine is an important suplhur-containing amino acid. Others, taurine and methionine protect and nourish the liver. The form N-acetyl-cysteine is more readily absorbed and is a powerful antioxidant and anti-viral. This could be important when we recognize more and more the damaging effects of "stealth viruses". It also help boost glutathione levels, which is one of the most important brain detox substances of all.

DOSE: 500 -1000 mgms daily. Note. Take plenty of extra vitamin C at the same time, to prevent it being oxidized and rapidly destroyed in the body (3 times as much vit C as N-acetyl-cysteine is recommended).

Step Six

No point in living to a great age if your brain doesn't travel along with you. Phosphatidyl choline, from lecithin, is an important protector for phospho-lipid cell membranes in the brain. These are the ones most easily damaged by free radicals.

We get it in our diet, in vegetables (especially cauliflower and lettuce), whole grains, liver, and soy. It also comes in lecithin (containing 10-20% phosphatidylcholine) in grains, legumes, meat and egg yolks. But we need more, to be on the safe side.

Most of these remarks apply also to phosphatidyl serine, a phosopho-lipid. It is found in in fish, green leafy vegetables, soybeans and rice. Over 3,000 published research papers and more than 60 clinical trials have established that phosphatidylserine can rejuvenate your brain cell membranes and cognitive function.

Both these compounds are valubale to memory and mood, mental clarity, concentration, alertness and focus.
500 mgms daily of phosphatidyl choline/100 mgms daily phosphatidyl serine

Step Seven

This vitamin-like substance (also known as ubiquinone) was discovered in 1957. Since then a deluge of scientific papers have attested to its ability to strengthen the immune system, lower blood pressure, prevent heart attacks, counter obesity and slow ageing. Studies in mice shows it increases their life span by 25%. CoQ10 is found in all cells, where it is responsible for the manufacture of ATP, the basic energy molecule. It is now being said that if CoQ10 levels drop by 25%, cancer is probable.

When co-Q-10 and selenium are taken simultaneously, hair may also starte to grow back - dark hairs!

DOSE: 100- 200 mgms daily. It is plentiful in heart, meat, kidney and eggs, and to a lesser extent soybean, wheat, alfalfa and rice bran.

Step Eight

The pivotal role of boron in bone metabolism has made it clear that it is protective against osteoporosis and therefore vital to a long and happy life, especially for women. More many women die from complications of a fracture of the femur than of breast cancer. Researches also concluded that countries with lower boron levels in the soil had much more arthritis. It works best in conjunction with magnesium and other co-factors.

DOSE: 3 mgms daily, coupled with 300- 400 mgms of magnesium.

Step Nine

The subject of intensive current research, this may be the most important antioxidant of all in protecting the brain and neurological tissues from damage. Alpha-lipoic acid has unique ability to pass into the brain, where is helps regeneration of other antioxidants, such as vitamin C and E and glutathione. It is also a strong chelator and may protect against Alzheimers by removing toxic metals which generate damaging free-radicals. It is both fat and water soluble, which means it is easily absorbed from the gut.

DOSE: 60- 80 mgms.

Step Ten


L-carnitine, is a naturally occurring substance found in most cells of the body, particularly the brain, neural tissue, muscle, and heart. Carnitine, whose structure is similar to choline, is widely available in animal foods (meat, poultry, fish and dairy products), whereas plants have very small amounts.

Carnitine concentration in tissues declines with age and thereby reduces the integrity of the mitochondrial membrane Research in aged rats found supplementation with high doses of acetyl-L-carnitine and alpha-lipoic acid (an antioxidant) reduces mitochondrial decay.

Step Eleven

Almost the same status as vitamins, essential fatty acids are vital for tip top body and mind function. So-called omega 3s and omega 6s have different effects. You need both. Plant sources, such as borage and evening primrose, provide omega-6s and fish oils provide omega-3s. Studies show that eating lots of fish reduces inflammatory chemicals and leads to better health and more mental clarity, with less chance of Alzheimers.

DOSE: 500- 2,000 mgms. Food sources- fish, star flower, borage, evening primrose and flax seeds.

Step Twelve


Glutathione is a dietary supplement used as an antioxidant to help protect the body from many diseases and conditions. It is used to treat infertility (difficulty getting pregnant), cancer, cataracts, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Glutathione is used to detoxify various chemicals from the body.

Glutathione is probably not well absorbed into the body when taken by mouth. One way to get around that is to take it by vein. A more practical solution is to take the precursors -- that is, the molecules the body needs to make glutathione -- rather than glutathione itself. Supplements of vitamin C are more effective at increasing intracellular glutathione than taking oral glutathione supplements. Oral supplements of whey protein and of alpha-lipoic acid appear to help restore intracellular levels of glutathione.

Gluathione is found in acorn squash,avocado,cantaloupe,grapefruit,okra,ornage,peach,potato,spinach,strawberries,tomato,watermelon and zucchini.

How to Learn More about Herbal Healing


Interest in herbs and herbal healing are at an all time high. While there are numerous books and magazines devoted to herbal health, most people turn to the Internet for the information they are looking for.

Unfortunately, the Internet has a lot of conflicting information and sometimes it is hard to discover which data is accurate. One rule of thumb is to look for three or more Internet sites that confirm the same information. Better yet, would be to combine Internet and published books for research.


Difficulty: Moderately Challenging

Things You'll Need

  • One good herb book
  • One good herbal health book
  • Internet access



Step One

Purchase several good herbal books. Look for those that are written by a 'real' doctor.

Step Two

Type the name of the affliction, along with the word herbal into an Internet search engine.

Step Three

Read at least the top five response pages to your search.

Step Four

Consult the printed herbals for verification of the information you have found online.

Step Five

Do a search on the herbs the Internet sites and books have recommended. Look carefully at side effects and possible interactions with prescription or over the counter drugs.

Step Six

Take only the recommended amount of the herbal remedy if you choose to attempt herbal healing.

Step Seven

Allow time for the herbs to work. Unlike pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies take time to show results.

How to Know What Herbs to Take While Cleansing


Cleansing impurities from our bodies by taking oral herbal supplements or by drinking herbal teas is becoming a popular alternative to more traditional dieting. Deciding which herbs to take, however, depends upon your personal health goal. Different herbs are used to cleanse your colon, to detoxify your liver, to reduce parasitic and bacterial infections or to boost your everyday energy. Follow these steps to pick the herbs you need.


Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Determine Your Reason for Taking Herbs While Cleansing

Things You'll Need

  • Computer with Internet access



Step One

Visit an impartial source for alternative herbal medicine techniques, like the "Alternative Medicine Homepage" Web site (see Resources below). Here you'll find information on what herbs to take to cleanse yourself.

Step Two

Define what goals you're trying to achieve by using herbs while cleansing. An herbal cleanse can clean out your digestive system, remove impurities from your liver or reduce the potential for parasitic infections. Herbal supplements can also cleanse your colon, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, bladder, lungs, lymph nodes, blood, skin or any combination of the above.

Choose the Right Source for Cleansing Herbs



Step One

Consult with a local health store. Ask the staff to recommend a good, reputable source for herbs.

Step Two

Find local herb gardeners in the area who specialize in alternative medicine. This may be the most inexpensive way to obtain these herbs.

Step Three

Take the time to familiarize yourself with the price range for each herb. It's important to find the best quality herbs for the lowest price. Know when someone is overcharging or offering an inferior product. Herbs are generally inexpensive.

Create a Plan for Your Cleansing Program



Step One

Pick an appropriate time to begin your herbal cleansing program. Allow for flexibility in your cleansing schedule if side effects occur.

Step Two

Know your body's limitations when fasting or cleansing. Immediately consult your doctor if you experience too much discomfort during the fasting period.

Step Three

Prepare a steady routine when beginning a cleansing program. Create and stick to eating and sleeping habits. This will help you to remain organized and focused.

Step Four

Experiment with using Chinese herbal remedies during your cleanse. Psyllium and black walnut hulls are just 2 of the herbal ingredients found in the "Chinese Tiao He Cleanse" (see Resources below).

How to Kill a Headache With Cayenne


Experience a headache and you know how quickly one can ruin your day. Drugs help, but many can have long-lasting side effects that make you drowsy or feel worse in some other way. Switch to an all-natural approach that is just as effective, but comes from your spice rack, instead of your medicine cabinet.


Difficulty: Moderate



Step One

Use capsaicin, the compound found in cayenne, which provides the heat, to correct your headache. By cutting off the sensors in your brain, cayenne will get rid of your discomfort.

Step Two

Add a ¼ teaspoon of cayenne powder in approximately 4 ounces of warm water. This will dilute the mixture enough that you don't experience too much discomfort from the heat of the capsaicin.

Step Three

Dunk a cotton swab or Q-tip in the solution and stir it around, fully coating the cotton.

Step Four

Apply the moist cotton swab to the inside of your nostrils, lightly gliding it over the inside. Stop when you can really smell and feel the heat being given off by the cayenne.

Step Five

Sit down and relax, the mixture will burn, which tells you it is working. Though the initial reaction to this may be unpleasant, it is effective and safe to kill a headache with cayenne.

Step Six

Recover from the heat in your nose and you will find that you have also recovered from your nasty headache.

Tips & Warnings

  • Do not go too far on the inside of your nose. The further up you put the concentrated solution, the more it will burn.

How to Invigorate the Body with Rosemary Oils


The body needs to be invigorated to maintain vital energy. The body needs to quench the thirst of being of being weak so, does need the invigoration that it deserves. Rosemary Oils is one of the many aromatherapeutic techniques that heal the mind away from stress.


Difficulty: Moderate



Step One

Use energising bath creams or foams that contain rosemary oil. It is useful spending time, making time to understand how your body responds to rosemary oils.

Step Two

Put in a few drops of energizing rosemary oil in your body cream for additional refreshment.

Step Three

When going to bed, oil your wrists with a few drops for a goodnight's rest.

How to Improve Your Mood Without a Prescription


Depression seems to occur with a variety of intensities. There’s blah day, a blah year, and there’s a feeling that’s more debilitating that requires medical attention. Several prescription medications exist that aim to treat mild depression; however, many people prefer more natural methods that produce fewer side effects.


Difficulty: Moderately Easy



Step One

Supplements containing SAM-e (s-adenosyl-methionine) have been clinically proven to help enhance mood and emotional well-being without side effects, but it’s expensive.

Step Two

St. John’s Wort has been shown to help improve symptoms of mild depression over time. You have to take it for about six weeks to see any benefits. However, there have been studies that claim St. John’s Wort may reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.

Step Three

If you are taking an anti-depressant for depression, you may want to consider supplementing with ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo biloba has been shown to promote healthy blood circulation, as well as improve symptoms of sexual dysfunction, a common side effect of anti-depressants.

Tips & Warnings

  • These tips by no means substitute for medical advice. If your symptoms are prolonged or severe, seek medical attention

How to Improve Heart Health With Coenzyme Q10


The older we get, the more health problems we start to have. One of the most important parts of our body is our heart. If you are having heart troubles, specifically with cholesterol, then Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, might be right for you.


Difficulty: Easy



Step One

Locate a provider. There are many providers of CoQ10. The Internet is a fast and easy source of locating a store. A health food store will most likely have it in stock and be able to answer your questions as well. Some internet companies may mail it right to your door if you order online.

Step Two

Identify the amount of milligrams. There will be a milligram weight listed on every supplement bottle. Typical ranges for CoQ10 are 30 milligrams to 600 milligrams. The severity of your heart condition will determine the optimal milligram amount. Generally the worse your heart condition the more milligrams you would want to take.

Step Three

Take your CoQ10. Everyone needs to take CoQ10 as recommended. The most benefit in improving your heart health is to take CoQ10 as a long term supplement. Be sure to schedule regular checkups with your doctor to monitor your improvement.

Tips & Warnings

  • Always tell your doctor when you are planning to start a supplement.
  • Check with your doctor on possible side effects.

How to Improve Health With Green Tea


Millions of people are learning the health benefits of green tea. It contains nutrients that are essential to a healthy lifestyle. Green tea has helped build people's immune systems for more than 4,700 years. Today you see it added to bottled water, weight loss products and even soda pop.


Difficulty: Moderately Easy



Step One

Choose a green tea with L-thiamine. It is the component in green tea that strengthens T-cells. Green tea gives your body an anti-inflammatory and an anti-allergic boost.

Step Two

Read the ingredients on the tea. Make sure that it includes catechin. A study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concludes that daily consumption of tea containing 690 mg catechin for 12 consecutive weeks reduces body fat. The catechins also increase the brain chemical norepinephrine and slow the rate of cognitive decline.

Step Three

Make sure the tea has antioxidants. Studies show that antioxidants slow the growth cancer cells. Antioxidants fight damage caused by free radicals.

Step Four

Buy tea that has been steamed not fermented. Steamed tea leaves have more nutritional value than fermented tea leaves.

Step Five

Drink at least two to three cups of green tea a day. Studies suggest that green tea helps your circulatory system by reducing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

Tips & Warnings

  • In most studies about green tea, the participants drink 4 to 5 cups of tea a day.
  • You should not add milk or cream to green tea. It hinders the beneficial effects of the tea.
  • Green tea capsules are also available and work just as well as regular green tea.

How to Improve Brain Health With Ginkgo Biloba


Ginkgo biloba is thought to improve brain health due to its positive effects on the circulation system. In theory, ginkgo biloba enhances blood circulation to the brain, and this, in turn, delivers vital nutrients and oxygen to the brain for optimal functionality. The brain needs a healthy blood flow supply for optimal brain health. Read on to learn how to improve brain health with gingko biloba.


Difficulty: Moderate



Step One

Stabilize your brain cell membranes by taking a preventative dose of ginkgo biloba. It acts as a powerful antioxidant and contributes to the oxidation of free radicals, which are linked to premature aging.

Step Two

Enhance your memory and mental acuity with ginkgo biloba. Sixty-one study subjects who participated in a 30-day randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical were given neuropsychological tests before and after receiving treatment, and the subjects showed significant improvements in the speed by which they processed the information on the tests after taking ginkgo biloba extract.

Step Three

Stomp out Alzheimer's disease and other forms of cognitive decline with a healthy dose of ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo has been linked to alleviating the symptoms of Alzheimer's and therefore is a healthy supplement for senior citizens to include in their daily regimens.

Step Four

Banish depression with ginkgo biloba. Study evidence shows that taking a dose of ginkgo biloba extract helps elevate mood swings and reduce symptoms of depression.

Step Five

Amp up your healthy sexual desires with ginkgo biloba. In patients who were currently taking antidepressants—specifically, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors—ginkgo was found to be 84 percent effective in an open trial for treating impotence and sexual dysfunction.

Tips & Warnings

  • Due to its slow-acting nature, it may take anywhere from four to eight weeks before you notice the benefits of ginkgo biloba.
  • Since ginkgo biloba helps thin the blood to improve circulation, do not use if you are already taking any blood thinning medications.
  • Always consult your doctor before taking any herbal remedies.