Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How to Know What Herbs to Take While Cleansing


Cleansing impurities from our bodies by taking oral herbal supplements or by drinking herbal teas is becoming a popular alternative to more traditional dieting. Deciding which herbs to take, however, depends upon your personal health goal. Different herbs are used to cleanse your colon, to detoxify your liver, to reduce parasitic and bacterial infections or to boost your everyday energy. Follow these steps to pick the herbs you need.


Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Determine Your Reason for Taking Herbs While Cleansing

Things You'll Need

  • Computer with Internet access



Step One

Visit an impartial source for alternative herbal medicine techniques, like the "Alternative Medicine Homepage" Web site (see Resources below). Here you'll find information on what herbs to take to cleanse yourself.

Step Two

Define what goals you're trying to achieve by using herbs while cleansing. An herbal cleanse can clean out your digestive system, remove impurities from your liver or reduce the potential for parasitic infections. Herbal supplements can also cleanse your colon, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, bladder, lungs, lymph nodes, blood, skin or any combination of the above.

Choose the Right Source for Cleansing Herbs



Step One

Consult with a local health store. Ask the staff to recommend a good, reputable source for herbs.

Step Two

Find local herb gardeners in the area who specialize in alternative medicine. This may be the most inexpensive way to obtain these herbs.

Step Three

Take the time to familiarize yourself with the price range for each herb. It's important to find the best quality herbs for the lowest price. Know when someone is overcharging or offering an inferior product. Herbs are generally inexpensive.

Create a Plan for Your Cleansing Program



Step One

Pick an appropriate time to begin your herbal cleansing program. Allow for flexibility in your cleansing schedule if side effects occur.

Step Two

Know your body's limitations when fasting or cleansing. Immediately consult your doctor if you experience too much discomfort during the fasting period.

Step Three

Prepare a steady routine when beginning a cleansing program. Create and stick to eating and sleeping habits. This will help you to remain organized and focused.

Step Four

Experiment with using Chinese herbal remedies during your cleanse. Psyllium and black walnut hulls are just 2 of the herbal ingredients found in the "Chinese Tiao He Cleanse" (see Resources below).

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