Sunday, January 13, 2008

How to Do a 3-Day Cleanse


A 3-day body cleanse aims to expel toxins from the body and re-balance blood sugar levels. Many alternative health experts recommend a 3-day cleanse before you start any long-term exercise or diet plan. The cleanse will help you achieve the best results. Some perform cleanses to treat conditions as varied as depression, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome or plain old moodiness. The kind of 3-day cleanses you choose can vary, but most involve a modified diet or fast while you take herbs and avoid toxins like alcohol. Follow these steps to learn more.


Difficulty: Moderate

Decide Which 3-Day Cleanse is Right For You

Things You'll Need

  • Computer with Internet access



Step One

Compare various cleansing programs on objective Web sites like "Natural Healing Today" (see Resources below).

Step Two

Perform a 3-day cleanse that's centered around organic fruits and vegetables if you don't like the thought of fasting. While some organic foods and supplements can cost a little bit more money, they yield better results. They don't add more toxins to your system.

Step Three

Consider a 3-day cleanse based solely on the consumption of fruit juices, including diuretics like prune juice, for thorough results. Keep in mind that buying fresh-squeezed juices from a juice bar can become very pricey, very quickly. Consider buying a juicer or borrowing one from a friend.

Step Four

Pick a 3-day period to do your cleanse where you'll not be under a lot of stress or be forced to vary from your normal routine. A 3-day weekend might be ideal.

Conduct Your 3-Day Cleanse



Step One

Adhere to the prescribed plan carefully. Many 3-day cleanses require that you consume exact amounts of food at very specific times throughout the day.

Step Two

Try to take at least 2 hot showers a day. They aid blood circulation and help to dispel toxins from your body. Scrubbing vigorously with a sponge or loofah is recommended.

Step Three

Spend at least 45 minutes each day exercising. This will help keep your energy level high during the cleansing period. Allow yourself to exercise gently. This is a time to get your blood flowing and breathe some fresh air. It's not a time to "feel the burn."

Step Four

Ingest a tsp. or tbsp. of olive oil once or twice a day. It will help keep bile ducts and glands lubricated and enhance the effects of the cleansing.

Step Five

Learn more about the benefits of a 3-day cleanse. You can do this by reading "3 Days to Vitality: Cleanse Your Body, Clear Your Mind, Claim Your Spirit" or other non-fiction cleansing books (see Resources below).

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