Sunday, January 13, 2008

How to Treat Hives Naturally


Hives are red blotchy swellings on the skin, which are usually the result of an allergic reaction. They are often very itchy and can be painful or cause a burning sensation.


Difficulty: Moderate

Things You'll Need

  • Cornstarches
  • Licorice
  • Oatmeal
  • Acidophilus
  • Alfalfa
  • Aloe Vera Gel
  • Antihistamines
  • Echinacea
  • Ginseng
  • Nettles
  • Quercetin
  • Vitamin C
  • Yellow Dock



Step One

Put cool, wet compresses on red areas to soothe itching.

Step Two

Take a bath in oatmeal if hives cover a large area.

Step Three

Add cornstarch to your regular bath.

Step Four

Apply aloe vera gel to soothe skin and reduce discomfort.

Step Five

Take acidophilus to help reduce an allergic reaction.

Step Six

Take quercetin to help relieve inflammation and allergic reactions.

Step Seven

Supplement with 1,000mg vitamin C a day to help your immune system respond to allergens.

Step Eight

Use the herbs alfalfa, yellow dock, echinacea, ginseng, licorice and nettles.

Step Nine

Investigate the cause of the hives. Medications, insect bites or stings, certain foods and food additives, and certain plants are common culprits.

Step Ten

Avoid the substance that caused your hives.

Step Eleven

Use an antihistamine for temporary relief of symptoms, particularly if hives are very severe or if overall allergic reaction is severe.

Tips & Warnings

  • Hives can be part of a very serious, even life threatening, allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. If you have an outbreak of hives accompanied by difficulty breathing, nausea or vomiting, chest pain, coughing or swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, seek immediate emergency assistance.
  • If symptoms persist or if you have specific medical conditions or concerns, we recommend you contact a physician. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

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