Old home remedies have been known to help aid the healing of conditions in ways that modern medicine hasn't investigated yet. The treatment of various conditions by the application of poultices has been used in folk medicine for many centuries in many cultures. You can treat lung congestion by applying a poultice to the chest to clear up breathing and drive out the infection.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Step One
Prepare a dried herb poultice using mustard. Use a motor and pestle to grind the mustard seeds into powder. Place the powder in a bowl and add enough water to make a thick paste. The water should be warm to draw out the healing compounds. The amount of water required will depend on the herb being used. The mixture should be thick but not stiff. You should be able to spread it.
Step Two
Lay out a piece of cloth to form the base of the poultice. The cloth may be gauze, muslin, linen or plain white cotton sheeting. The piece material should be big enough to cover the entire chest area.
Step Three
Spread the paste over the material so that it covers the chest area.
Step Four
Use hydrogen peroxide to cleanse the chest prior to placing the poultice on it. Position the material over the chest area and cover with a towel to keep from getting the paste on the sheets or other bedclothes.
Step Five
Pin the poultice in place over the chest and use a hot water bottle to keep it warm. Keep the poultice in place for up to 24 hours. The healing process of the poultice will cause a throbbing sensation that will continue as long as the poultice draws out the infection and neutralizes the toxins in the body.
I used to have terrible chest colds when I was a kid. My mother used this and something called "Thermafuge". These saved my life literally.
My mother also used it with oath boiled in water and it was ery helpful. Now I am a singer and this is the best way to treat lung and chest congestions and mucous and phlegm that are hard to dislodge
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