Saturday, January 12, 2008

How to Use Alternative Medicine for High Blood Pressure


High blood pressure is something that a lot of my family members suffer from. That means that I know I need to be careful that the same thing doesn't happen to me.

You can easily prevent high blood pressure by watching your sodium intake, exercising and eating healthfully. But what happens if you have high blood pressure? Are you doomed?

Not at all. There are a lot of things you can do to help bring your blood pressure down. This article talks about some of my favorites.

Don't be tempted to diagnose yourself, though. If you suspect you have high blood pressure, visit your doctor just to make sure. They can help you go over your treatment options.


Difficulty: Moderate

What Are Your Treatment Options for High Blood Pressure?

Things You'll Need

  • Prescription drugs
  • Herbs
  • Exercise
  • Eat right
  • Homeopathic remedies



Step One

Prescription Drugs: If your blood pressure is really high, your doctor may suggest taking certain prescription drugs. Whether or not you decide to take them is up to you. Keep in mind that if your blood pressure is high, this can pose a serious health risk and you may end up having a heart attack. You may want to take it temporarily while you explore other treatment options.

Step Two

Herbs for High Blood Pressure: There are certain herbs that can help lower high blood pressure. Two of the best that I know of are Hawthorn berries and garlic. Hawthorn helps strengthen the arteries in the circulatory system and garlic thins the blood. If you are already taking blood thinners, or drugs that help the blood clot, you should stay away from any amounts of garlic beyond what you cook with.

My brother-in-law took garlic capsules to lower his high blood pressure and after a few months, it went down to normal.

Step Three

Exercise and Eat Right for Prevention and Treatment: Eating a healthy diet and exercising not only helps prevent high blood pressure, it can also treat it. If you live an unhealthy lifestyle, it is never too late to lose weight and make positive lifestyle choices. Just remember to introduce change gradually and lose weight at a safe rate.

Step Four

Other Natural Remedies: Here is a list of some other natural remedies you may want to try...

* Coenzyme Q1O. This supplement can be easily found in the health food store or drug store and can help lower blood pressure. Follow the instructions on the package and make sure you tell your doctor that you've been taking it.

* Fish oils. If you want to lower your high blood pressure, consuming oily fish such as salmon and mackerel can really help. Or, you can take a fish oil supplement if you don't like the taste of fish.

* Homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy also has some remedies that can help. There are a lot of options and the treatments will depend on your symptoms. Visit the link provided at the end of the article to fill out the questionnaire and determine which remedies to try.

Tips & Warnings

  • Make sure you work closely with your doctor no matter which treatment options you decide on. You want to have your blood pressure checked often to determine your progress.

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