During cold season, it is hard to avoid catching at least one. Try these natural remedies to reduce the duration of your cold and get better faster!
Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Step One
Airborne. Take at the first sign of a cold or before going to a public place like the airport or mall during cold season. It's full with natural good stuff to fight off the virus.
Step Two
Fluids. Drink plenty of fluids.
Step Three
Echinacea. It has long been the top choice for herbal cold remedies.
Step Four
Vitamin C. It boosts your immune system, reducing the severity and length of the cold. your body can only absorb between 250 mg to 500 mg a day so don't waste your vitamins by taking extra large doses.
Step Five
Zinc. Suck on a zinc lozenge every couple of hours for a fast recovery.
Step Six
Blow it. If your nose is running, don't keep sniffling, blow out the mucus into a Kleenex, and wash hands in soapy water afterwards.
Step Seven
Green Tea. Drink a cup every day for a healthier body.
Step Eight
Run a humidifier in the bedroom during the dry cold season.
Step Nine
Reduce stress. If you feel yourself getting sick, take a few measures to reduce added stress in your life which weakens your immune system. Your body needs rest so it can work to heal. Perhaps giving yourself a relaxing spa day will give your body the rest and relaxation it needs to get healing. *~see How to Plan a Spa Day at Home~*
Step Ten
Stay Home. Prevent spreading colds by staying home or keeping your kids home from school during a cold.
Step Eleven
Pain reliever. If your cold is causing you a lot of minor aches and pains, fever or headache, take a pain reliever such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, or Excedrine.
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