Sunday, January 13, 2008

How to Get Medical Marijuana in California


This isn't the hardest thing in the world, but you need to cover all your bases, and depending on where you live it may be a long drive.


Difficulty: Moderately Challenging

Things You'll Need

  • "Chronic Ailment"



Step One

You don't need to be a dying medical patient to receive medical marijuana! You can use it to treat things such as chronic pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc...there are many different things that you can use medical marijuana for.

Step Two

Although all doctors can give you a medical marijuana recommendation, most won't. You need to find a marijuana friendly doctor in your area. Depending on your area you may have to drive an hour or more to find a doctor willing to prescribe marijuana. Visit to find a marijuana friendly doctor. CANORML is the California National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

Step Three

It will cost about $100-$200 for your visit to the marijuana doctor. This visit will not be covered on your insurance!!

Step Four

You must have documented proof from your current doctor that you have a chronic condition. Emphasis on CHRONIC. When you go to your current doctor to get your medical records you do not have to tell them that you are using it to get marijuana!! It's your personal business.

Step Five

Also, when seeing the doctor make sure you state that you have or have had used marijuana and it relieves your symptoms without any side effects.

Step Six

Once receiving your marijuana recommendation you need to get your medicine! Visit to find a dispensary near you!

Step Seven

Visit for a great guide on how to obtain medical marijuana!! If after reading this you have any questions feel free to send me a message on eHow and I'll answer any question you have!

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