Sunday, January 13, 2008

How to Use Alternative Therapies for Anxiety


Anti-depressants are being prescribed left and right. Some don’t like the idea of taking pharmaceutical remedies, as even doctors don’t know the how and why some of these pills work. There are a number of alternative remedies available for anxiety and mood.


Difficulty: Moderate

Things You'll Need

  • Herbal remedies
  • Aromatherapy



Step One

Take herbal remedies. St. John’s Wort, Valerian, and Gingko Biloba have all been proven effective. Experiment with what works best for you. There are relaxation teas and supplements available.

Step Two

Exercise. Exercise isn’t just to improve physically, but mentally. Getting the blood moving is important for mood elevation.

Step Three

Get plenty of sleep and eat well. A lack of sleep and poor diet can be an emotional drain. Anxiety is hard on the body.

Step Four

Take relaxing baths and listen to relaxing music. Candlelight is more relaxing than harsh, artificial light. Aromatherapy, such as incense, can help as well.

Step Five

Breathe deeply. One method is to breathe in one nostril, while covering the other, then breathing out the other nostril. A very relaxing technique.

Step Six

Acupuncture and acupressure have shown to be mood elevators. Hypnosis has also shown to be effective. These methods will work better for some and not for others. You have to trust the process and not be overly skeptical.

Step Seven

Use Bach Flower Remedies—there are different concoctions available for different types of anxiety. An alternative therapist specializing in Bach Flower Remedies can help find the best solution.

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