Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How to Go Vegetarian In Three Weeks


You’ve decided to go vegetarian for your health or for moral reasons, and you’re planning how to do it. But you’re not ready to dive in completely and cut meat out of your diet overnight. Before you give up on your plan, run through this checklist and learn how to make a gradual change to vegetarianism over a three-week period.


Difficulty: Moderately Challenging



Step One

Red meat is the most difficult meat of all on your digestive system. So step one, or week one, is to cut it out by replacing it with meat substitutes. Most grocery stores carry soy-based versions of burgers, meatballs and ground beef. Continue eating your pasta dishes and burgers with the replacement meat, and cut out the old-fashioned meal staples, such as beef and lamb by replacing them with chicken and fish. This will get the super-high protein and fat out of your system in week one.

Step Two

After your body has become accustomed to not eating red meat, the next step is to get rid of the other meat. Step two, or week two, is to stop eating fish, fowl, and pork. If possible, get soy-based replacements from the local grocery store or health food store. If you can’t find a replacement for the fish that you like (because there aren’t as many), simply fill out your menu with more vegetarian red meat dishes (use soy-based ground beef in tacos, make vegetarian meatball subs). By the end of the week, you’ll find that every meal you make is free of meats as main ingredients.

Step Three

With your body now adjusting to drawing its protein from soy and plants, it is now the time to take out the rest of the meat products. So step three, or week three, is to find a replacement or simply cut out the side dishes and appetizers with meat in them. For breakfast, replace bacon and sausage with soy-based alternatives, or just have potatoes and toast with your eggs. Get rid of the bacon bits and ham on your salad, replacing them with croutons, cheese, and salad dressing. If you eat pasta at a restaurant, make sure your pasta sauce was not made with meatballs or meat sauce. After you’ve isolated and eliminated these last few meat products, you’ll have a menu just as large as your previous diet, but without the meat.

Step Four

Sometimes, meat is in the strangest places: as a thickening agent for soups, as an additive in preservatives and gelatins, all kinds of places. Once you’ve decided to cut meat out of your diet, you have to remember that you’re the only one who is paying attention. You have to be the one who makes sure that everything you eat is truly meat-free.

Tips & Warnings

  • If you want to go one step further and become vegan (cutting out animal products like eggs and milk along with meat) instead of vegetarian, simply add another week where you replace or cut out animal products. You can use rice milk or soy-based cheese, and use bananas in recipes to replace eggs.
  • When you take three weeks to cut out meat, it also gives you three weeks to give up. Make sure that you have someone close that you trust to watch your diet and keep you honest.

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