Saturday, January 12, 2008

How to control headaches with natural remedies


Headaches may appear very frequent. Generally disappear after few hours, the most common reason being stress or fatigue. What is to be done?
If there are no serious reasons, headaches can be treated with simple methods, like getting some fresh air or washing the face with cold water.
Here are several easy and natural ways to get rid of a headache.


Difficulty: Easy

Things You'll Need

  • ethereal oils
  • cold water
  • onions
  • hardhay (dried plant)



Step One

Ethereal oils may be very efficient in case of headache. Several drops of mint oil applied and massaged on the forehead can make miracles.

Step Two

Another method in case of headache is to wash your arms with cold water and dry them in a towel with energetic moves.

Step Three

Cataplasm with onions may be helpfull. Cut an onion into slices and apply them on the nape zone. Cover the back of the head with a scarf or towel and try to relax.

Step Four

Hardhay plant could be a very good remedy as well. A tea may be brewed from dried plant.
Don't forget

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